For Schools

Marisa Noelle is available for school author visits for YR7 and upwards as well as career fairs.

Please find some information on what she can offer. Please email her at to request advanced PDFs of first chapters to circulate to students and order forms.  Please do get the kids excited about the books, as there is something very special about owning a signed copy.  If you’re not sure what a school visit entails or how it wold benefit you, please have a look at The Society of Authors

1 – How to be an Author (with book signing) 45 minutes – 1+ hour



The different paths to publication

Finding an agent

Finding a publisher

Courses and developing your craft

The benefits of social media and finding your tribe

Marketing & PR

Writing prompts

2 – Creative Writing Workshops (with book signing) 45 minutes – 1 hour, please choose 3-4 topics


Creating a good hook & the inciting incident

Interrogating your character (want + need + strength + limitations), life-defining memories

World building

Plotting versus Pantsing (writing a novel on the fly)

Pace & tension


Tropes and cliches

3 – School assemblies10-20 mins

Reading for pleasure

About my books


Please provide food & water!

Assembly session – £120 (excl expenses)

One hour session £150 (excl expenses)

Half day rate (usually about 3 sessions) £350 (excl expenses)

Full day rate (up to five sessions) £500 (excl expenses)